Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of Summer Sale...

I have quite a collection of new items rolling in for Fall/Winter and I desperately need to make some room in the shop! Many items are close to 1/2 off and may be at the end of their editions... Here are just a few of items on sale:

'the Library' print
was $18
now $13

'Shelbyville' Screen and Block Print
was $35
now $25

Vintage Postage Scale
Was $18
Now $12

So go take a peek... It's never too early to shop for those Christmas gifts!!! (as always if you need any gift wrapping just ask - its free!)

Sale Link
- ends the 1st day of Autumn (Sept 22nd).

Have a great Sunday!!!


1 comment:

Lekha said...

All of this work is beautiful!! I am organizing an indie craft fair called Indie Chic @ 10th Street for December 5 at the ASU Art Museum. Please submit an application to be part of the event--your work would make a great addition! Additional event info and application can be found at There is also an event pg on FB. Email me if you have questions:
Keep up the great work!