Monday, November 10, 2008

I HAD to have it!!! My latest purchases...

Yes, I am addicted to shopping on Etsy just like everyone else... It's such a guiltless spend knowing that the money is going to help someone do something they love.

Here's what I purchased recently...

1. Vintage Black and White glass cameos from MK Supplies.

(I haven't found a use for them yet but I had to buy them)

2. A Cherry Red Munro Hat Box from fivepetalsred.

It's even better in person!

3. And finally, 'Parasol' from artandghosts, one of my favorite Etsy artists.

I want everything in her shop!!!

It wasn't intentional that they all match by the way :) I've been stuck on that color combo for awhile.

Anyhoo - just wanted to share with all of you these wonderful Etsians. I highly recommend all of their shops...

Have a great week!


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